Restoring old rural properties – Irish Rural Home Summit 2024

Watch the talk given by Patti O’Neill at the Irish Rural Homes Summit 2024 Restoring old rural properties – the practical journey

full length video of talk

On the day 

speaker for Restoring old rural properties – the practical journey

panel for Restoring old rural properties – the practical journey

list of other speakers


For more information please view: ‘Cottage Restoration’

For more information on the event please view: ‘Rural Irish Home Summit’ and ‘’


Nenagh Guardian reports on RIAI Simon Open Door 2024

Great article in the local Nenagh Guardian newspaper, thank you for your support! Lovely photo of me and my dad taken by my mum – all the family involved.

Thank you to all who participated and donated so generously. For those of you who took part in the consultation with us, O’Neill Architecture is offering a 10% reduction in follow up Design Clinics!

RIAI Simon Open Door

O’Neill Architecture are offering one hour consultations for the Simon Open Door charity. Steeples Cafe in Nenagh are kindly hosting our event in their lovely space on the first floor.

There are still some slots available for the Thursday and Friday, 11th & 12th April 2024. This year it will be Patti O’Neill, MRIAI and her dad Don O’Neill FRIAI who will offer the consultation together so you are getting two for the price of one!

Looking forward to meeting all those who are signing up and working on your projects.





Merry Winter Solstice!

This evening I made my first ever wreath. It was a very joyful experience as I wandered through the garden finding all this lovely foliage which was then crafted into this colourful, multi-textured masterpiece of Nature.

It is the most wonderful time of year where the sun seems large yet weak and rare. I find myself constantly drawing curtains as I rush out to take in the dawn and the dusk to avail of all and any light. And now just days to go when all will be reversed and our precious sun will return.

While making the wreath I was mindful of the cycles of the skyclock and its luminaries and the wondrous effects they have on us.

Wishing you all the very best in this new yearly cycle that stand just days before us and these ‘holydays’!

CREATE UR OWN 31/3/2022


Welcoming you to come and hear the story of my cottage project from 2013 to now!

Architect, Patti O’Neill, Dipl.-Ing. MRIAI, Conservation Accreditation Grade III, will be taking us on a journey through her cottage restoration project with tips on phasing the works, best materials for conservation, how to achieve a healthy flowing home aided by an extension and the life lessons she picked up along the way.

There will be a tour of the Eco village beforehand, starting at 6.00pm and the event will take place at 7.30pm. Registration is essential and you can register on Eventbrite at or by emailing to reserve your place. The event will also be screened live on our Facebook page




Sustainable Building Material Talk with TGBN

This is the photo taken during the intro of a presentation at a Tipperary Green Business Network event this summer at Brookfield Farm Co. Tipperary.
Although the photo is not that flattering it depicts my sentiment perfectly regarding modern synthetic building materials!

The video is an excerpt of the talk but please forgive the camera not being in focus, the narrative makes up for it.

Irish Georgian Society – Conservation Awards Exhibition October 2022

The awards reception took place in the evening of the 20th October 2022 in the beautiful Irish Georgian Society headquarters in City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin.

Here are some photos of our entry in this lovely exhibition which we are very proud to be included in. Congratulations to the winners and all the practices that participated. It must have been a difficult process judging such varying projects in conservation but what we all have in common is a passion for our built heritage.

O’Neill Architecture’s Entry ‘Farm House’

‘Irish Times 22nd Oct. ’22, Article by Frank McDonald’

To view Irish Georgian Society Conservation Awards Exhibition Shortlisted projects click here

To view Irish Georgian Society Conservation Award Winners click here

To view Irish Times 22nd October 2022, Article by Fran McDonald click here

To view Farm House project click here.

Architecture at the Edge Festival, 9th October 2022

‘Rhubarb Patch House Tour’

A great day at Rhubarb Patch House presenting our contributions to a stunning cottage & barn renovation by homeowners Kevin and Lindsay Deely. Three years ago the project started with a Design Clinic with O’Neill Architecture.
We had two tours each with a very interested and enthusiastic audience. Lindsay gave the introduction and told the story of the journey of the building project, I described the design process and natural materials suitable for stone constructions, and the main contractor Laurik Mathieu of Mathieu & Mitchell Ltd, conveyed his passion for the lime renders and hemp lime insulation.

photo from December 2019 – the first Design Clinic

photos by Edel Fitzpatrick 2022 – the finished product!

And 3 years later a super cozy home for Lindsay and Kevin to enjoy after all their hard work. Well done guys – an inspiration for all people thinking of doing up a cottage!

To view Rhubarb Patch House on the AATE Festival website click here

The house was also featured on RTE The Great House Revival in season 3 episode 5 click here

To view more information on our Design Clinics click here.

Irish Georgian Society Judging Panel visit our Farm House Project

Our Farm House project has been shortlisted in the Irish Georgian Society Awards 2022. The Client and I were delighted to welcome the judging panel – Frank, Andrew, Simon, Kevin and Karen (see photo below) to view the house today.

‘Protected Structure – Farm House’

Our presentation boards will be on exhibition at the City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, in October with an awards reception on the evening 20th October where the winner will be announced. Fingers crossed!

To view Irish Georgian Society Conservation Awards click here

To view Farm House project click here.

The Irish Times- Home & Design section 2022

The Irish Times, Home & Design section had a great piece on period homes on the 2nd July 2022 written by Caroline Madden which also featured our cottage project.

To view more photos on our website about our phase 1 – thatched cottage restoration please click here and & phase 2 – extension please click here


‘Small budget’

Someone who is definitely passionate about period homes is Patti O’Neill, an architect with a Grade III accreditation in conservation.

In 2013, Patti bought a thatched cottage (part of which dates to the 1790s) near the shores of Lough Derg in Tipperary and spent eight years restoring it step by step, on a small budget.

“I studied as an architect; the training is very much geared towards new builds so in my  head I did always think that the highest achievement is to build your own house. But that’s very expensive and I’ve always been a great believer in spending what you have, not what you can borrow.”

She realised she could get the simple labourer’s cottage for a “very good price” and do it up in stages, as and when she had the funds. “I knew I could do it step by step,” she says. “There were tough parts but it was just so satisfying.”

O’Neill is a keen proponent of using natural, breathable materials like clay blocks and lime mortar in old homes like hers. At first glance, natural materials may seem more expensive than the alternatives, but she advises people to bear in mind that natural options often serve multiple functions and create a healthier living environment.

For example, the sheepswool she used in the roof not only insulates the cottage, but also regulates moisture and removes and breaks down toxins.

The respectful way in which O’Neill restored her cottage drew high praise from the judges of Home of the Year when it appeared on the first series of the RTÉ programme in 2015.

However, she realised that the flow of the cottage wasn’t working so she set to
work on phase two, redesigning the layout, adding an extension and creating a greater sense of connection to the garden and surrounding landscape, and is now reaping the rewards.

“These houses connect us to nature, whether it’s through the materials, through the doing of the work yourself, through opening up the house to the garden,” says O’Neill. “I feel I’m becoming a healthier person through my home.”

She believes strongly that more people should consider creating their own homes by renovating old buildings on a phased basis. “If you look at all the buildings that could be fixed up and retrofitted, we would have a surplus [of housing], but there is just so little encouragement and understanding,” she says.

“But it’s turning,I hope.”

How to stay cosy in an old stone cottage:

Architect Patti O’Neill explains the steps to ensuring you’ll be warm during the colder months:
■ Remove all the cement renders, floors and paths from the cottage so it can breathe again and dry out entirely. “A dry house uses less energy to heat than a damp house,” she says
■ Use natural insulation in the floors, walls and roof
■ Enlarge, and create more, openings towards the south and south-west for passive solar gain heat (this is heat that a building receives passively from the sun)
■ If adding an extension, position it on the north side so that it is “hugging” the cold side of the house and heating it up
■ A low constant heat source such as underfloor heating “in a breathable floor of limecrete” is ideal in old cottages

To view the Irish Times online article please click here.